

We acknowledge our duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. We aim to provide a safe environment where all participants can thrive. We recognise that the welfare and interests of children and vulnerable adults are paramount in all circumstances. 

We aim to ensure that regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic background, all participants: have a positive and enjoyable experience of paddle boarding in a safe and child centred (as appropriate) environment and are protected from abuse whilst participating in a session or outside of the activity. 

Our coaches will ensure that activities are appropriate to the age taking part and listen to participants individual needs. They will build relationships based on mutual trust and respect. They will display consistently high standards of behaviour and be positive role models. They will avoid any unnecessary physical contact with young people and vulnerable adults and report any concerns regarding child protection/safeguarding to the designated safeguarding lead.